- $200 for Member club room rental, plus $200 security deposit to be paid in one check or PayPal / credit card payment on the website.
- $600 for outside / non-member rentals, plus $100 non-refundable cleaning fee and $200 security deposit to be paid in one check or PayPal / credit card payment on the website.
The following provisions apply to all club room rentals, by members or non-members. No exceptions.
Application process for all rentals:
- Hans Weber is the contact person for all club room rentals (914-329-8601) or hansweb9@aol.com.
- Initial contact must be to Hans to confirm availability of desired date • Note that only one rental per weekend will be permitted.
- After contacting Hans, written application must be filled out and brought with payment to next Lyceum Board meeting (Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm) • Sending application to Matt Darlington (House Committee Chair) by email in advance will speed the approval process at the meeting.
- If paying by check, club room rental will not be formally approved until payment check clears • The payment check for a Member rental must be from that Member’s account.
- Members in arrears on their dues will not be permitted to rent the CLub room.
- Any misrepresentation on the application regarding the nature or size of the party by a Member will subject the Member to discipline, up to and including expulsion from membership.
- The renter will receive from the Board a written list of post-rental cleaning expectations.
- Once the rental is formally approved, the Board will notify the owner of the parking lot in advance of the party.
- Proposed and approved rental dates will be posted on the Club website on the calendar link.
Additional Rules for Non-member rentals:
- A member must be present as chaperone for all non-member events or parties • The chaperone will receive $200 of the rental fee.
- The member chaperone must be identified at the Board meeting at which rental is approved.
- If Member chaperone becomes uncomfortable with party activities, he should call a Board member immediately.
- The Board will discuss in advance of event or party who will clean and claim the $100 cleaning fee; if no one is available, outside cleaning service will be hired.
Rules of conduct:
- No drug use is permitted in the club room or anywhere else in the Lyceum building
- No bachelor / bachelorette parties will be permitted under any circumstances
- Parties may not be open to the public • No “for profit” parties • No cover charges permitted
- Maximum occupancy for any event or party is 125r people
- Neither the pool table nor shuffle board may be moved • If couches or tables are moved, they must be returned to their proper place after the rental
- Room rentals are the only occasion in which non-club beer is permitted in the club room
Post-rental cleaning:
- Immediately after the rental event or party, the club room must be left in a tidy fashion
- Food may not be left in the kitchen or the refrigerators after the rental
- For member parties, thorough cleaning (including vacuuming, mopping, bathroom) must be completed no later than Noon the day following the rental
- For non-member parties, thorough cleaning should be done by a Member or Members by 3:00 p.m. the day following the rental
- garbage must be taken out to curb Sunday night by either the Member renter or the member chaperone of a non-member rental
- Failure to adhere to these cleaning rules will result in forfeiture of the security deposit
The Board will decide after any room rental whether the security deposit will be returned, either because of damage or failure to adhere to the post-rental cleaning rules.